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Page 1 INCLUSIVE CAIRNGORMS Minutes of the meeting held on 7 September 2010 at 10.30am At Glenmore Lodge, by Aviemore Present: Jim Brown (Chair) Blackrock Productions Elspeth Grant CNPA Eric Baird CNPA Board Member Claire Ross CNPA Frances Powell Women@Work Project Bob Kinnaird Glenmore Lodge Morag Redwood (vice chair) Highlands & Islands Equality Forum Kate Christie CNPA Jackie Cropper Grand Central Savings Stuart Robertson Aberdeenshire Council Hector MacDonald SDEF Eric Baird CNPA Board John Thorne CNPA Pete Crane CNPA Craig Cantwell Association of Cairngorms Communities Apologies: Anne MacLean RNIB Sheila Fletcher Community Transport Association Carolyn Cornfield Caberfeidh Horizons Anne Howe Badenoch & Strathspey Community Care Forum Ivor Souter Highland Council Kevin Hutchens Aberdeenshire Council Jamie Shearer Big Issue Scotland Les Allan Aberdeenshire Council Rosemary MacKinnon Highland Council Simon Jeffrey HC Community Learning and Development Lewis Thomson B&S Community Transport Co Rachel Strachan Capability Scotland Elspeth Kennedy Highland Disabled Ramblers Karen Archer CNPA Maggie Lawson B&S Community Transport Co Welcome and Introduction 1. Jim Brown welcomed everyone to the meeting and the apologies were noted. Minutes of the Last Meeting 2. The adoption of the minutes of the last meeting held on 23 March 2010 were proposed by Hector MacDonald and seconded by Stuart Robertson. Matters Arising from the Minutes page 2 3. Ref para 8, discussed some revisions to the Leader application form and guidance notes, to encourage applicants to consider how they make their organisation / business and their project more inclusive. Some further suggestions were made, and EG would circulate a Revised copy. Action EG 4. Ref para 7, it was clarified that Grand Central Savings hadn't received funding for North East but had core funding to fund Head Office. 5. Ref para 18, it was reported that Horseback UK had received £350,000 grant from Help for Heroes. Presentation: Bob Kinnaird, Glenmore Lodge 6. Bob gave a presentation on the Glenmore Lodge, Scotland's national outdoor training centre, what it offers and to whom, and some of the inclusion work they have done to improve their facilities for all abilities. Some key points: Participants on courses tend to be self-selecting - typically middle class, those with time, with higher disposable incomes. Not set up for children / young people under 18 years of age (only 1 course for 16 yrs upwards). Several disabled people take part in courses. Less uptake by minority ethnic groups Course for people with visual impairments is subsidised but high teacher: student ratio therefore costs are still £580 per person. Volunteer programme - provides bursary for youth and other leaders to take part. eg DoE leaders Subsidies for disabled people can be sourced through local sports councils. Spare capacity for GL is currently c25% and opportunities to fill through volunteer programme. Comments/suggestions from members: Potential to use spare capacity through volunteer programme, but the need to ensure that leaders are going back to their communities and benefiting those that need it. Perhaps include criteria in bursary selection process. Opportunities for Inclusive Cairngorms to support GL in promoting to a more diverse audience eg: use of images and language in promotional materials making links with intermediary groups eg Backbone, Access Panels, Youth workers. 'Train the trainer' in diversity as well as technical skills SDEF (Scottish Disability Equality Forum) has funding which might support this. Tackling the barriers to participation for some groups eg access to equipment. It was agreed to get back to Bob to set up a meeting to discuss further opportunities where IC can support. Action: EG page 3 Public Duties National Park Plan 7. Claire Ross explained that the draft National Park Plan will be produced by next spring and there will be a consultation period. This is a good opportunity for IC to influence the Plan, building on IC's priorities identified at the workshop on CNPA Corporate Plan. Community Action Planning is linking into this process, and will also help shape the development of the next Local Development Plan. Equality Schemes 8. Kate Christie explained that we had reviewed our Race and Gender Equality schemes at end of June 2010, and copies were distributed. The Single Equality Duty is due to come into force in April 2011 and CNPA will be working towards this, subject to Scottish Government's confirmation of public sector specific duties. Visitor Services 9. Pete Crane asked the group about visitor information they consider is required to encourage a wider range of people to use CNP eg both print and web based. 10. The group felt that re websites, it would be useful to have access for all information, but also links to other websites which represent disability and equality interests, eg Disabled Ramblers, Ramblers Association, Mountaineering Council Scotland. Also links to resources to support such visits, eg Getting Into NPs resource pack. 11. Re future priorities for ranger services, Pete noted that currently Ranger services must prepare an Equality and Diversity statement as part of their funding conditions. It was also noted that rangers are not generally proactive in engaging with groups (including underrepresented groups). It was suggested that the rangers could have more of an outreach role, perhaps involving intermediary groups such as Backbone, who have links to specific target audiences. Young People 12. EG reported that two learning resources had been launched over the summer: Getting Into Scotland's National Parks and National Nature Reserves – resource pack to support group visits. Available in hard copy, CD and online at www.cairngorms.co.uk/nationalparkplan/aparkforall/socialinclusionprojects/ Cairngorms Learning Zone - education website on all aspects of the Cairngorms National Park to support secondary school students and anyone with an interest in the Cairngorms. Disability 13. John Thorne gave an update on the Roads for All project which will improve bus stops and approaches for all abilities between Aviemore and Grantown. Low Income 14. Jackie Cropper reported that Grand Central Savings have opened a second branch in Greenock and working with Aberdeen City to develop a facility there, that will provide a service to financially excluded people. page 4 AOCB 15. CNPA has commissioned report on the Economic and Social health of the National Park, and this is available from CNPA office. Date of Next meeting 9 December with video links to Ballater if possible. NB Meeting subsequently rescheduled to 27 January Elspeth Grant